Leadership in Recruitment of Veterans

J.P. Morgan is a global leader employing veterans. In Australia the bank has been the catalyst for corporate Australia to focus on improving veteran employment.

J.P. Morgan’s commitment to attracting veterans to the bank, raising awareness amongst transitioning and transitioned veterans about the value that employers place on their military skills and experience is commendable. J.P. Morgan is committed to responding to every veteran who submits a CV to the bank, regardless of the candidate's fit for advertised roles, to ensure that skills and experience are accurately translated.

Many of J.P. Morgan’s veteran employees have taken on a mentoring role, providing advice and guidance on transition and careers to transitioning veterans. Additionally, the bank was a founding member of the Australian Veteran Employment Coalition (AVEC). AVEC is comprised of some of Australia’s largest employers and is pioneering a number of initiatives aimed at connecting these companies with Defence and facilitating the development of veteran recruitment policies.

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