Veterans’ Employer of the Year – Large
Serco Asia Pacific

Serco Asia Pacific specialise in the delivery of services on behalf of government providing defence, health, immigration, justice and transport services.

Serco employs 545 veterans and 148 reservists, comprising 6.5% of the Serco Australian workforce. Their focused veteran recruitment drive has seen veteran employee numbers increase from 420 in the last 12 months. In recognition of the value of these employees, Serco have introduced a number of initiatives including increasing the number of paid leave days for reservists from 3 to 10, provision of additional leave and flexible working arrangements for employees who are partners of Australian Defence Force members deployed on operations and signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Defence to support reservist employees.

“After a long career as a Navy Supply Officer, culminating in my appointment as the ADF’s Chief of Joint Logistics, I was very pleased to be able to smoothly transition to a new career with Serco.

Serco has developed HR policies that give positive benefits to the recruitment and employment of veterans, Reservists and souses of ADF members. And Serco, like the ADF, promotes a strong values based culture focusing of care, trust, innovation and pride. I’m very proud of my ADF service and I’m now Serco and proud.” – Clint Thomas, Serco. 

Serco also support veteran employment as a Soldier On Pledge Partner and through their involvement in the Veteran Employment Program Industry Advisory Committee. They are also proud supporters of Australian Deference Force Transition Seminars.

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